Monday, November 21, 2011


When we first talked about a cornbread restaurant it sounded kinda comical. I mean, I make a lot-o cornbread, and I have a lot-o time, but once it's made... ? I can see it in my head perched on the side of the highway like one of those Hawaiian back road snow-cone stands. It doesn't quite haunt me, ok, so it's haunting me. It's not like it's the first idea to keep me up all night several nights inna row, but it's got me wondering if maybe this cornbread thing might be be too hot for me to handle.

I read somewhere recently (I tried to look it up, but no) that, "If you're not dreaming then you're just sleeping." Well if I was sleeping I wouldn't tripping so hard over the whole thing. I suppose the same capacity that makes it possible for me to tweak corn bread recipes for going on four months now, is the same one that's kept me up tripping on the details of the fantasy cornbread restaurant. I'v made it through the PhotoShop dreams, and the grand theft auto San Andreas dreams, the Portals2 dreams (excellent, even in a dream), and even once I dreamed I was in the army tiling a shower with toast while my dad stood over me critiquing the placement of almost every piece. Sometimes this made me a little grumpy the next day but at least I was sleeping.

 I have a building tentatively in mind, Though to tell the truth if someone offered me a job making cornbread that didn't require I learn book-keeping, workmans comp, income tax management, and several sleepless nights worth of other stuff I don't know about starting a restaurant, I'd probably jump it. But hey, I did finally get a little sleep, while it was still dark, last night. So if this trend holds even a little while, I reckon I'll should unravel this thing at least far enough to see if it's a possibility.

 In any case the Pone must go on, and even though I missed my Halloween window of opurtunity, I have a whole series of *scary-cheese cornbreads to explore. *Scary-cheese is a cheese that's so strong, that a piece no larger than a pea will ruin a cracker.  

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