I doubted the yard sale was going to happen, but I needed to get back in my cornbread grove anyway. The color @ 25min was golden and begining to pull away, slightly darkened edge. For some reason I had to pry every one of them out with a butter knife, still I only broke one. Oops, almost too much cheese, it was delicious. Driving them up to the lake took just about as long as making them.
Now I gots to make me some. Rather than back down the amount of cheese, I tried cubes instead of shreds. I figured the big cubes would sink easier, and maybe even not stick so bad.
I love my chipotle peppers and adobo-sauce, but I have rendered a lot of otherwise excellent cornbread sadly inedible. Three little slivers of chipotle and sometimes even four, half a teaspoon of adobo and a few cubes of cheese are a fragrant smoky tangy tease. Five or more-- while looking even better, left my mouth feeling scalded even the next day.
I admit it cheap played into it some. I love my chpotles, and it's a drag to use 2 peppers, and less than 3 teaspoons of the adobo-sauce, and throw the rest away. Chili might happen tomorrow and yes maybe even more cornbread, but chances are the rest of those peppers and the adobo will be trashed before tomorrow night.
They look harmless enough, and yet they posses the mostly hidden charms of, chipotle, adobo,and cheese. They're stronger than they look. when they'd cooled a bit I flipped em and tapped the backs of the pans. None fell out. I poked around and managed to tear a couple up.

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